The iMast Louis Blog

Are you struggling to conquer the business world? Do you have a natural knack for business but cannot seem to get past the starting gates? Then why not let iMast Louis guide you towards the best business options for you from now into the future.
This blog is going to focus on giving the best business, financial, and marketing advice to propel your business forward and get you the success that you need. We have all struggled with some aspects of the business at one point or another but the key is to stay focused and continue to learn the newest and best techniques.
We can all agree that managing a business is not the easiest thing to do in the world and it takes a lot of dedication to turn profits and boost yourself forwards, and hopefully, this blog can be one of the guides you use to help you to do this.
I will now talk about the direct focus that each of my blog topics will look into…
Business Advice:
- starting a business
- customer service
- business failures and successes
Financial Tips:
- dealing with debt
- financing your business
- business budgeting
Marketing Strategies:
- online campaigns
- growing a business
- making connections
Louis Carmichael
I am the writer behind last Louis and I have 25 years of experience in the business world. I have successfully managed business start-ups, failing businesses, as well as guided people through marketing strategies to boost their business.
However, I am not all business and no fun. My family and I like to throw regular shindigs to have some fun with friends and family on the weekends and destress from the week at work. As well as this I enjoy going on hikes with my wife across the country so we can see the most amazing views. We normally take a flask of good old Yorkshire tea with us and sit at the top with a cup of tea and a biscuit. Now to me, that sounds like heaven.
We also go on a cruise every year to shake off the work and get some more adventures in. My children are all grown up now so I and the wife have lots of time to ourselves to explore the world and start to feel like our young selves again!

The aim of this blog is to guide you in the right direction with your business so take what you need from it with a pinch of salt and make your way forward to creating success!